Golang vs Python

January 05, 2022


Software developers always have the dilemma and dilemma of choosing the right programming language for their project. It's not always easy to make a decision given the number of programming languages available. Today, we'll be comparing two popular programming languages, Golang vs Python, to help developers make the right choice.

Golang vs Python: Performance

Performance is a crucial factor when deciding on the right programming language. Golang is compiled, which makes it faster than interpreted languages like Python. Golang has a lower memory footprint, and Go programs are compiled into a single binary. In contrast, Python is an interpreted language that requires an interpreter to run code, making it slower than Golang. Python also consumes more memory due to its dynamic nature.

The fastest approach to measuring performance is to run some benchmarks, and benchmarking results show that Golang performs around 30-40% better than Python on CPU-bound tasks.

Golang vs Python: Ease of Use

Python is generally considered more comfortable to learn and use than Golang. Its syntax is easy to read and write, and it has a vast number of libraries that could significantly reduce the writing of boilerplate code. Python's readability and beginner-friendly nature make it suitable for prototyping and learning programming.

Golang, on the other hand, has a stricter syntax and fewer abstractions, which require a bit of getting used to. However, Golang supports concurrency, making it easy to write concurrent and parallel programs.

Golang vs Python: Popularity

Python is a more established language, and it has a much more extensive user community than Golang. Python has been around since the 1990s and has several large companies backing it up. Python is also a particularly popular programming language for machine learning and data science. That being said, Golang is picking up steam due to its excellent performance, making it a popular choice for building Docker and Kubernetes.


Choosing the ideal programming language is an essential decision when developing software. Both Golang and Python have unique features, and developers should choose a cost-effective language that meets their requirements.

Regarding performance, Golang is indisputably faster than Python. Python is more beginner-friendly than Golang, although Golang provides support for concurrency, making it the ideal choice for building concurrent and parallel programs. In summary, both programming languages are suitable for different purposes, and selecting one depends on what you want to achieve.


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